Coffee & Confidence

Today, I "did a thing" as they say.
A few weeks ago I got a message from my Aunt, author, business woman, etiquette consultant, Ann Marie Sabath, asking me to share my information with a woman she had just met... Sure!
What I didn't realize was that I was signing myself up to do a zoom/podcast, talking about myself, Emerson & Oliver and our beginnings, starting our own "economy" for ourselves and our employees.
Georgette Simms has started a Mastermind Series called Create Your Own Economy - Take Control of Your Financial Future. Her goal is to reach 1 million people with this message of hope during their April 2021 launch. Georgette encourages people to live the life of their dreams with the right knowledge and corresponding action.
What did I get myself into?! I called Mary, panicked. She told me: "You got this".
So...I woke up this morning, ironed my favorite muumuu, brushed my hair, put some makeup on, and Zoomed Georgette!
We talked and laughed for 45 minutes, and I may just have a new friend.
Coffee in one hand, confidence in the other!
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