Ski or Snowboard?

Mary has always been a snowboarder, she tried skiing at school ski club briefly, and quickly realized that snowboarding was for her, never to return to the two sticks. I was put on skis at 4 years old, then became a snowboarder in my teen years, then back to ski’s in my 30’s.
We would go to Bristol Mountain almost every weekend growing up, watching the mogul comps and freezing our toes off! Hanging in the lodge, listening to music and enjoying the snow are some of my favorite memories.
Mary now has little snowboarding kiddos. Emerson is shredding the mountains on the east coast and even little Asher is starting to rip it up! Mary’s husband is a snowboarder too, so the whole family rides together almost every weekend.
My kids go to a school at the base of Squaw Valley, where 2 days a week they ski for ½ the day, and have a full ski day on Friday. My husband is a Pro-Patroller there too, so we are ALWAYS on the mountain. I ski in the mornings before work or afternoons after I finish work, and snowboard on Fridays with Oliver.
For us, the most important thing, especially growing up in Upstate NY where winters are ENDLESS… is that you have something FUN to do in the winter! Check out Victoria Viccaro one of our #StrongAsDia Women… She is a timber-sledder, which looks equally scary & AWESOME. Maybe Mary & I should try that next!?
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