Lift each other up...

As we end March (International Women's Month) and look into April, we want to continue to honor women and share their stories. It is because of this that we have decided to continue our #StrongAsDia Blog. We want to lift each other up, share each other's triumphs, and give praise.
As young girls, Mary & I looked up to the strong women in our lives - but the KIND WOMEN were the ones who left a lasting impact. As grown women, we strive to be those kind women. The only way we can really break through the glass ceiling is by giving each other a hand. Not because it benefits ourselves, not because we look good doing it, but because women helping women is really that last glass ceiling.
Too often when a woman breaks through that glass, she seals it below her to prevent another from using her breakthrough she worked so hard for. Both Mary and I have had a female boss, coworker, acquaintance or friend, who did not want us to succeed or felt we needed to “earn our dues”. Unfortunately, we still encounter those women. That sucks. And we never want to be that person. We must stop “Mean Girling” each other. Our team knows we have high expectations, but they will always hear us say: “Let’s set her up for success”. Because, why wouldn’t we want to give support to our boss, coworker, acquaintance or friend to help them succeed?
Take a look at the women around you. Can you give someone a hand? Lift them up?
You are strong enough.
If you would like to nominate a #StrongAsDia Woman: CLICK HERE!
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